Total LGPD

What is LGPD?

General Data Protection Law (Law No. 13,708/18), already in force and which, as of August 2021, through the action of the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) will apply administrative sanctions to those who do not adapt to this new reality.

LGPD - agosto de 2021

Regulates activities involving data processing, that is, any operation carried out with personal data such as: collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, elimination, evaluation or control information, modification, communication, transfer, dissemination or extraction.

It refers not only to data collected from now, but to data already stored in the past, whether digital or physical. Thus, a major restructuring is essential to enable this correct adjustment.

Who are the agents?

Data subject: natural person to whom the data to be processed refers;

Controller: who is responsible for decisions regarding data processing;

Operator: who will actually operate the collected data;

Data officer: is the Data Protection Officer (DPO) responsible for the intermediation between the holders, controller and ANPD.

What are the data?

Personal data: information capable of identifying the natural person. Data such as name, surname, RG, CPF and residential address are considered personal.

Sensitive personal data: information about prejudiced or discriminatory potential. Data on political opinion, racial or ethnic origin, religious belief, genetic or biometric data are examples.

Data anonymization: information in which the holder cannot be identified and, therefore, not applicable to the LDPD.


    Fine of 2% of the legal entity's revenue, which can reach up to 50 million reais per infraction; Daily fine of up to 50 million reais; Blocking and even deletion of personal data that are being treated incorrectly; Suspension of the database for up to 6 months, which can be extended for another 6 months; Partial or total ban on activities involving data processing; Advertising of the infringing company.

LPGD Phases

Fases da LGPD

Services Performed by the Professional DPO

    Management of the data privacy and security program.Helps in the preparation of Personal Data Protection Impact Reports.Inspection of compliance with the LGPD.Mediation between the data subjects, the company and the ANPD.Helps in defining and updating the Data Mapping the company.Helps in orienting and training your team on topics related to security and privacy.Monitoring changes and new regulations of the LGPD.Receipt of communications from the ANPD, adopting the necessary measures.

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