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SAP Total Compliance


The SAP TOTAL COMPLIANCE tax solution fully meets all the needs and demands imposed by the tax authorities on the Brazilian taxpayer.

Developed for SAP ECC and SAP S/4HANA, the results are seen in real time allowing the user to browse the source documents.

Our product guarantees end-to-end tax compliance in tax compliance, from the correct entry and exit of tax documents, as well as tax calculations, with wide coverage and compliance with all ancillary obligations in the Federal, State and Municipal spheres.
There is no need or dependency on integration, reducing time spent on conferences and the possibility of interface errors.
Solution adhering to SAP ECC and S/4 Hana
Real-time data.
Eliminates the need for Integration.
Developed with its own “name space”.
User-friendly cockpit for Investigations, which makes it faster, easier and more consistent.
Validation of tax documents with pre-configured rules.
Allows a consolidated view of all relevant entries for verification, whether invoices, financial invoices or accounting entries.
Allows flexibility of adjustments in all types of documents and their accounting automatically.
It performs the accounting of the taxes calculated and to be collected, maintaining integrity between the information delivered to the tax authorities and the accounting.
SPEDs fully integrated with the calculations.
Allows you to view the progress of the calculation process for each business location.
Obligations met Scope
Federal Pis and Cofins Calculation EFD Contributions Income Tax Calculation ECF ECD (including Block K) Federal obligations and taxes Withholding IRRF, PIS/COFINS and CSLL Withholding INSS REINF DCTF DIRF FCI



ICMS / IPI calculation

ICMS calculation - AMAZONAS



Accessory obligations

GIA / State Magnetic Means



Per / D-Comp (IPI tabs)


Municipal ISS Calculation Municipal Magnetic Media or municipalities with more than 100 thousand inhabitants NFTS GISS ONLINE ISS WEB WEB FISCO ISS DIGITAL
Other Functions Invoice Validator Tax Schedule Control of Shipment and Return of Goods Operation Support Reports
Federal Obligations Main Functions

PIS / CONFINS 1. Allow consolidated view of all entries for calculation: invoice, financial invoices or accounting entries. 2. Allow flexible adjustments to all types of documents, without manual intervention and without losing data integrity. 3. Control PIS / COFINS credit balances and their use, with a monitoring and management cockpit. 4. Accounting for taxes calculated and payable. 5. Maintain integrity between the company's accounting information and those delivered to the tax authorities. 6. Allow control of legal proceedings, including those dealing with the exclusion of ICMS from the PIS and COFINS base. 7. Control Retention and Deferral.

EFD Contributions 1. Fully integrated with the PIS/COFINS calculation solution. 2. Reflect the results of the investigations in their entirety. 3. Generate all necessary records, including PIS / COFINS calculation records. 4. Avoid manual interventions directly in the PVA.
Withholding taxes 1. Determine the INSS calculation by CNPJ, CEI/CNO registration and individual. 2. Determine the IR/PIS/COFINS/CSLL Calculation. 3. Allow corrections in retentions made, with automatic accounting of all adjustments. 4. Generate the accounting of the tax to be collected with the automatic clearing of documents. 5. Integrate the investigation carried out with the EFD-REINF. Accounting and FISCO with the same information. 6. Allow the inclusion of documents that have not been properly retained.
REINF 1. REINF integrated with the INSS calculation with automatic accounting. 2. Ensure that Accounting and FISCO have the same information. 3. Allow automatic control of reopening of previous periods. 4. Simplify operation with automatic control of reopening and rectification of previous periods. 5. Ensure coverage of all events required by the tax authorities.
State Obligations Main Functions
ICMS / IPI 1. Identify errors and inconsistencies through the invoice validator. 2. Monitor CIAP credits and movement of assets in the FI-AA module, as well as their reflection in Block G of SPED Fiscal. 3. Control CIAP credits from legacy systems. 4. Allow adjustments made in the calculation of ICMS, common in ancillary obligations, such as GIA, for example. 5. Monitor the progress of the assessment process, seeing if the assessment is already completed for each business location. 6. Count all adjustments made in the calculation and the amounts to be collected for the corresponding SEFAZ of each federation unit.
State accessory obligations 1. Generate all specific obligations for each state, such as GIA (SP), DAPI (MG), DMA (BA), SEF II (PE) among others, in an integrated manner with the ICMS calculation. 2. Generate from GIA-ST. 3. Generate GNRE guides.
Municipal Obligations Main Functions
Calculation of ISS 1. Calculate the ISS of municipalities whose taxable event is the issuance, entry or payment of the Service Invoice. 2. Enable a centralized view of the services taken and provided. 3. Allow correction of amounts to be delivered in bonds when correction at source is no longer possible. 4. Provide ISS information, delivered in municipal files sent to city halls, so all adjustments will be considered. 5. Control all invoices for services taken, regardless of tax withholding, thus contemplating all of the service information that will be reported to the municipalities.
Main benefits
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